德清未科电机有限公司,地处长三角经济圈中心的浙江省德清县,区位优越,交通便捷,毗邻国家级风景名胜区“莫干山”、国家级原生态湿地“下渚湖”,东临京杭大运河和沪杭甬高速公路,西接104国道、杭宁高速、申嘉湖杭高速、宁杭高铁、宣杭铁路,距离杭州40公里、上海180公里、南京200公里。 本公司专业生产和销售交直流风机,制冷电机,外转子风机。
公司拥有完备的技术力量,有在风机领域丰富经验的工程师团队和销售队伍,公司秉承质量优先,以客户至上的经营理念,不断提升产品质量改善与精进,使公司的发展取得了长足的进步,公司三大系列产品除了营销国内市场 还出口到世界多个国家和地区,欢迎客户来电洽询。
Deqing Weike Motor Co., Ltd., located in Deqing County, Zhejiang Province, which is the center of the Yangtze River Delta Economic Circle, enjoys superior location and convenient transportation. It is adjacent to the national scenic spot "Mogan Mountain", the national original ecological wetland "Xiazhu Lake", the Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canal and Shanghai Hangzhou Ningbo Expressway in the east, and 104 National Highway, Hangzhou Nanjing Expressway, Shenjiahu Hangzhou Expressway, Nanjing Hangzhou High speed Railway, and Xuanhang Railway in the west......